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Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching - Douglas College
1000/2000 level courses

1000/2000 level courses

• SPSC 1103 Conditioning for Sport & Physical Activity
• SPSC 1105 Introduction to the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society
• SPSC 1151 Biomechanics
• SPSC 1164 Dynamics of Motor Skill Acquisition
• SPSC 1192 Topics in Human Nutrition
• SPSC 1195 Phys Growth/Motor Development
• SPSC 2205 Sociocultural Aspects of Sport
• SPSC 2210 Foundations in PE, Rec & Coach
• SPSC 2231 Sport and Exercise Psychology
• SPSC 2275 Physiology Exercise/Training
• SPSC 2292 Admin of Leisure & Sport Services

Applied Methods

• SPSC 1316 Applied Methods - Movement Education
• SPSC 1317 Applied Methods: Creative & Social Dance
• SPSC 1318 Applied Methods - Alternative Environment or Outdoor Education*
• SPSC 2324 Applied Methods: Field Hockey/Basketball
• SPSC 2325 Applied Methods: Softball/Volleyball
• SPSC 2399 Game-Centered Approaches

SPSC 3000/4000 level

• SPSC 3158 Inclusive Physical Activity
• SPSC 3203 Health Promotion
• SPSC 3240 Leadership in Sport, Physical Education, & Coaching
• SPSC 3276 Athletic Injury Assessment & Management
• SPSC 3399 Games Approach to Teaching & Coaching Sport*
• SPSC 4199 Physical Education & Coaching Methods*
• SPSC 4231 Advanced Sport & Exercise Psychology
• SPSC 4291 Curriculum & Planning Issues in Physical Education & Coaching


  • SPSC 2101 Fieldwork I

  • SPSC 3101 Fieldwork II

  • SPSC 3201 Fieldwork III

  • SPSC 4101 Fieldwork IV *


  • SPSC 2211 Portfolio Introduction

  • SPSC 4211 Portfolio Exit *



  •  PHIL 4205 Sport Ethics*

Math Electives

  • MATH 1234  Mathematics for Liberal Arts

Lab Sciences Electives

• BIOL 1103 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
• BIOL 1209 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
• CHEM 1104 Preparation for General Chem

English Electives

• ENGL 1106 Reading Fiction
• ENGL 1130 Academic Writing

Lower Level Electives

• HIST 1113 Canada before Confederation
• HIST 1114 Canada After Confederation
• MODL 1101 Basic French I
• MODL 1151 Basic Spanish I
• MODL 1152 Basic Spanish II
• OADM 1103 Introduction to Keyboarding
• PHIL 1101 Critical Thinking
• PHIL 1103 Knowledge, Reason & Experience
• STSU 1100 Intro to College Studies

Upper Level Electives

• PHIL 3350 Philosophy of Mind
• SPSC 3203 Health Promotion
• SPSC 3256 Research Methods in Sport, Recreation & PE
• SPSC 3275 Advanced Physio Exercise & Training

Non-Academic Graduation Requirements

• NCCP Competition Introduction A & B

• NCCP Competition Development

• NCCP Fundamental Movement Skills​

• Standard First Aid and CPR-C + AED

• Active Fitness Theory Certification*

• High Five - Principles of Health Childhood Development Certification



*Denotes an un-completed status.

Education: List
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